Who Are We


AnuArtStore - a division of Andromeda Fashions is a women-led social enterprise that focuses on handmade jewelry and personalized fashion accessories.

AnuArtStore trains and equips socially underprivileged women to make handmade jewelry by employing and skilling them resulting in their economic development.
Every piece of jewelry is fully-handmade, uniquely stylized, and can be made fully bespoke per order.

AnuArtStore is committed to encouraging local and handmade products, and is propagating a social cause with jewelry for all ages/occasions/people.
AnuArtStore aims to scale up its presence throughout India and expand to a global foot print creating a large canvas for the socially underprivileged to start earning and to enhance their social status.  All this while we continue to deliver unique fashionable jewelry.  

“When you buy Handmade you support a DREAM”