Corporate Engagement


Will you be our "Ambassador of Hope!"?

At “AnuArtStore” We 'Believe' and are full of 'HOPE'!  We would like to spread this message and request you to partner with us in this journey of Hope!

“AnuArtStore” - Jewelry with a Cause!

We make Handmade Jewelry. We work with women who are seeking to find a livelihood and are wanting to be economically independent. Our products help them secure Freedom, Dignity and Self-respect!  We train and equip socially underprivileged women to make handmade Jewelry by employing and skilling them, resulting in their economic development

How can you help?
We at “AnuArtStore” would like you to partner with us in delivering Freedom, Dignity & Self-respect to these women who work with us and create handmade Jewelry. We employ and skill these women and give them an opportunity to earn a livelihood and be independent!

How Does this Work?
You can give us an opportunity to showcase our work. Please invite us to your organization/workplace for a day and we will conduct a workshop in the products we make.

This will give our women a platform to showcase their skill and also give your associates a chance to see the skillful work being conducted by these artisan women in a live environment.

Finally, these products can also be purchased by your employees, Associates and teams which will benefit the women greatly and act as a massive source of encouragement and support!, which they so greatly need and deserve!.  We are also open to different options and ideas from your side to create more opportunities for HOPE!

When you buy Handmade, you support a Dream!
You can call us on +971-52-8787531 or write to us -